Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Observations from a Zoo

The premise behind this story has changed a bit over the last few hours. I've gone from talking about pregnant people to horrible tattoos. So now I am am just going to tell you what we saw at the Zoo yesterday in the form of people.

A couple weeks ago we had an amazing Sunday in St. Louis. 60-80 degree temp range, a bit of a breeze. Beautiful. As the weather lent itself for outdoor activities we packed up the family truckster and went to the St. Louis Zoo. Not to sound like a complete homer but if you are ever in St. Louis, visit the Zoo. Its open year round and its free. Its also one of the cleanest free attractions you will find anywhere.

As the day is going on and the noxious gases from the elephants, camels, & penguins are getting worse as the temperatures soar, my wife and I look at each other and almost in sync say "have you noticed a lot of pregnant people here?" It was crazy. Every time we turned around there was another pregnant lady walking around. Then as the day progressed at lunch and the other stops we made, there were pregnant women all over the place. I set the over/under on pregnant women at 50 yesterday. So, this sparks the question "Are we just noticing because we are pregnant or is there an influx of pregnant women in my town?" If there's anyone that could give me some math around this I would appreciate it. As we kept seeing these women we came to the conclusion that due to the harsh winter we had, there is an influx in baby making in our area, but maybe we are just crazy.

Observation number two which isn't a new observation to us at the Zoo is the amount of people with terribly-placed, low-quality tattoos and no shame in showing them off.  Here's where I wish I would have been a little more trigger happy with the camera. I could go to the Zoo any day of the year over 65 degrees and come home with at least 100 different pictures of these things. So before we get shunned by our tattoo'd following, I do want to make it clear that I don't have a tattoo nor do I believe myself an elitist because of this. It really is something I just haven't given much thought into getting. I was poor in college and would have rather drank my extra money, and now kids are expensive enough that I can't rationalize spending more money to get Busch Stadium tattooed on my back. So why here of all places do the tattoos come out in full force? I could see if there was a convention in town or something but I didn't see any buses outside. I would also like some theories on this one too.

Kind of a lame post but I need people more creative/smart than I am to rationalize why these two phenomenas are occurring. I do know the answer isn't for me to get a fetus tattooed on my neck.


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